Indian Cancer Treatment


Approximate Cost for Cancer Treatment

Cost of Cancer Treatment varies with individual and for same cancer treatment cost will be different in individuals.

Major factors of cost of therapy for cancer treatment are

  • Stage of cancer
  • Type of Cancer
  • Cellular structure of cancer cells
  • Spread of tumour or lesion
  • Body’s own immunity


But yet to get an idea on different types of Cancer treatment may have a look on below mentioned chart.

Cancer type Cancer surgery costsin  INR Avg. cost of chemotherapy / radiotherapy (per cycle) Radiotherapy Package for 25 exposures
Breast 3 to 4 Lakh  25k to 35k 1.50 to 3 Lakhs depending on IMRT, IGRT & VMAT
Head and Neck 5 to 6 Lakh 20k to 25 k same
Stomach 3 to 4 Lakh 40k to 50k same
Colon 4 to 5.5 Lakh 25k to 35k same
Oesophagus 3.5 to 5 Lakh 35 k to 40k same
Cervical 2.5 to 3.5 Lakh 18k to 25k same
Ovarian 2.5 to 3.5 Lakh 18k to 25k same
Uterus 2.5 to 3.5 Lakh 18k to 25k same
Lungs 3 to 4.5 Lakh 35k to 50k same
Prostate 2 to 3 Lakh 15 k to 20k same
Blood Cancer 15 to 30 Lakhs based on BMT